Adding a twist with epoxy
A little over a year ago, I wrote a post about “promoting” epoxy as a feature of my artwork. In the past year, I have expanded on this...
Made in NC 2016
Come out to Brooklyn Art Center this Saturday (3/12) and Sunday (3/13) from 12-6pm both days for Made In NC. Always a great event with...
Great Show! Art for all 2016
Art for All this past weekend was a lot of fun. It was great to see so many people come and out and to hangout with my fellow artists. ...
Art for all 2016
Come out and see me Saturday and Sunday this weekend from 12p-6p at the Brooklyn Arts Center in Wilmington, NC for the 6th annual Art for...
Epoxy has been promoted: from support team to headliner in my artwork
Recently, I have felt the urge to shake things up a bit and started to re-think how I use epoxy. I currently use epoxy to strengthen the...
Family Health Crisis
Please be aware that due to a family health crisis, I have decided to not participate in art shows this year. Instead I will be devoting...
Good Shepherd Holiday Art Market 2014
I’ll be participating in the Holiday Art Market for Good Shepherd this Saturday from 9a-5p at St. James Episcopal Church. Come out to...
4th Friday: Featured artist at Cape Fear Native -26Sep14
Thanks to everyone that came out 4th Friday last night. There was a large crowd and it was great to see so many old and new faces. As...
I now have a space in Blue Moon Gift Shop
I am very excited to spread the news that I now have a space at the Blue Moon Gift Shop on Racine Drive. Over the last few month I’ve...
Made in NC 2014
I have been meaning to do a write up about this year’s Made in NC at the Brooklyn Arts Center, as it was a huge success and I thoroughly...